Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Pump Up that Seawater! A Remix of Traditional Freshwater Hydro Systems Hydroelectricity is a super clean energy source that emits minimal pollution. However most dams and structures used to gather hydroelectricity can be placed in limited locations. This is because hydroelectricity today requires two reservoirs of fresh water. It is well known that freshwater is very limited while we have an abundance of seawater, which many scientists believe is supposedly a waste and can’t be used for anything. To harness hydroelectricity to its fullest so that it can provide an abundant source of energy, a hydro system that is much less site-specific is required. Hydroelectric plants can be placed in only so few places, because there are few sources of freshwater. Although hydroelectricity uses renewable resources and releases little to no pollutants, existing hydroelectric plants in total give very little energy and are site specific compared to other sources of energy, it not cost effective and usable in limited areas. We can tackle the problem of limited areas for hydroelectric energy plants by using seawater instead of freshwater. We actually have an infinite amount of ocean water, unfortunately we don’t have an infinite amount of freshwater. Like traditional freshwater hydro systems a seawater pumped-storage hydro would work very similar. Extra electrical energy from nuclear energy, fossil fuels, or renewable energy power plants are used during times of low power demand to push water uphill to be deposited in reservoirs as potential energy. Then, when demand peaks, the reservoirs are opened, permitting water to pass through hydroe lectric turbines to produce the electricity needed to meet power demand. The key modification for saltwa... ...ean, where World watch is currently working with three governments to produce Sustainable Energy Roadmaps, it could be a practical solution to consider. With limited supplies of fresh water, tremendous renewable energy potential on and just off its coasts, and limited energy storage capability, seawater pumped-storage hydro could provide the Caribbean with tremendous benefits. Protecting the environment is crucial for this generation and future generations. My idea may make green energy more popular and benefit the environment. Using blah, blah, blah would blah, blah, blahs. Reducing costs and blah, blah, blah, the simple, efficient, and blah, blah, blah that I developed should encourage more people to switch to renewable resources and support this and my cause. Such a change would make the environment cleaner, healthier, and more enjoyable for generations to come.

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